Trade Leaders Deliver Real Results


Currensee Trade Leaders™ continue to deliver strong performance over the past three and six months. See the chart for comparison with popular investments such as the S&P 500, Gold and the Barclay CTA Index. Figures are based on average cumulative monthly performance of Currensee Trade Leaders during the period ending 10/31/2012.
Trade Leader past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Investor returns may vary materially from Trade Leader returns based on slippage, fees, broker spreads, volatility or other market conditions. If you place additional trades in your account or you modify or cancel an order generated by your program you may achieve a materially different result than the Trade Leader(s) that you follow. Your trading program will follow the same leverage of each Trade Leader whose signals you have incorporated into your program; and that leverage can vary by Trade Leader and by trade. By increasing or decreasing the amount of capital you allocate to follow the signals of a particular Trade Leader, you may achieve materially different profits or losses than the Trade Leader and you may be increasing or decreasing the risk of your program.